Villasimius from north to San Priamo , we walk 9.5 km or so before turning right towards Cala Sinzias , after yet km turn left and continue for 3 km towards Costa Rei , after about 2.2 km , passing the village ...
From San Priamo we leave the SS 125 follow signs to Costa Rei, after about 10 km turn left to Capo Ferrato and continue until you find on the left a dirt road ...
From Muravera towards San Priamo, along the SS 125 until you reach the Camping Torre Salinas, cross it and continue towards the village Colostrai, then you notice the car park adjacent to the beach ...
a very large beach accessible from Muravera to San Priam, along the SS 125, drive 4 km and turn left to San Giovanni, then continue for 1 km. direction Camping Torre Salinas ...
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