domenica 22 dicembre 2024

spiagge di Golfo Aranci

la costa a Golfo Aranci

  • Cala Sabina
    in the municipality of Golfo Aranci
    Cala Sabina is white sand bathed by a blue-green sea, in a setting of green juniper trees and Mediterranean ...
  • Cala Banana / Nodu Pianu
    white sand and clear sea
    a few km from Olbia , are two of the busiest beaches in the area are well served and equipped with easy access ...
  • Beach Sos Aranzos
    small wild creek
    one of the many stretches of sand that stretches between Olbia towards Golfo Aranci ...
  • Cala Sassari beach
    beautiful beach well served
    It is located along the road from Olbia to Golfo Aranci, on the SP 82, at km 10.700 turn right ...
  • Bianca beach
    between Olbia and Golfo Aranci
    From Olbia to Golfo Aranci on the SP 82 to km 12.5, turn right, walk along a dirt road and after 300 m ...
  • Terza Beach
    in the village of Golfo Aranci
    from Golfo Aranci beyond the signs to Baia Caddinas and facts about 350 m turn right ...
  • Cala Moresca beach
    its waters are emerald green
    From the center of the country Golfo Aranci take to the harbor, past the railway line turn left ...
  • Beach Mortorio
    Island Mortorio
    Located on the island of Mortorio, you can be reached only by sea ...
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