lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Poetto beach of Quartu Sant'Elena

the most famous beach of southern Sardinia

Poetto beach of Quartu Sant'Elena
The beach also includes the coast of Cagliari represents one of the widest beaches and extended of Sardinia .
Its fine sand and crystal clear sea , as well as the convenient location and easy to get to and the presence of numerous bars , restaurants and attractions make Poetto a very popular beach and a meeting place for the whole year .
Nice walks on the shore , races and practice of physical exercises are , for residents , on the agenda of this great beach that is also suitable for photo shoots of special effects , with subjects such as the Sella del Diavolo , which also tell suggestive legends .
Behind the Molentargius Pond and saline give other beautiful images , like the famous pink flamingos that hundreds stationed here for long periods .
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