lunedì 3 marzo 2025

The province of Cagliari

400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland

The province of Cagliari
The province of Cagliari covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km.,
From Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a history, as told by its dolmen and numerous archaeological sites that preserve, often still intact, domus de Janas, menhirs and dolmens.

Shards of old memories that withstand time, strong, imposing, protected and enhanced by an extraordinary environment that blends nature in some parts sweet and soft, others decidedly rough and wild.
The Cagliari encompasses all aspects of the real Sardinia, emphasizing those aspects that characterize the most, and who have made one of the most popular destinations of world tourism.
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