lunedì 3 marzo 2025

The Poetto, charm and history

the long beach of Cagliari and more ...

The Poetto is the long beach of Cagliari, but also the symbol of Cagliari summer tourism and beyond.
The Poetto has always been a meeting place, to times of when, this wonderful deep and broad strip of sand, drew lovers of the sea just to beautiful and long walks on the shore.
Today, as then, this stretch of 10 km. connecting the city of Cagliari, Quartu Sant' Elena, we find ourselves, in every season of the year, because it has never lost its charm, that of a sea that washes the beach end, the rocks that tell ancient legends like that Sella del Diavolo.
A charm given by its gazebo, which are refreshment during the sunny days to become togethers evening of music and fun facts.
And then the rustic banquet that have always characterized this long avenue, to propose fresh sea urchins just caught.
The Poetto and the city of Cagliari are indispensable to each other, two subjects that are painting and frame of a work of art by Mother Nature.
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