martedì 21 gennaio 2025


in the region of Gerrei

Armungia, which has the honor of having given birth to Emilio Lussu located in the region of Gerrei, on a hill at a height of 366 meters. Its origins, as most of these centers, are linked to the Phoenician civilization.
The rich Mediterranean vegetation that blends with the dense bush, drawing an environment overflowing from nature, is the frame of Armungia, which houses the town a dolmen, well preserved, dating from the fifteenth and fourteenth centuries BC
The agro-pastoral village is denoted by the very simple houses made of shale, often equipped with oven ball and courtyards that house small rooms used as warehouses or stables.
The visit of the country is a small discovery of rurality, a sort of open museum, with buildings and monuments that bear witness of the culture and daily life of Armungia.
Along the picturesque streets of this small village, the visitor enters into a path of great historical and anthropological, which culminates in a visit to the Ethnographic Museum Sa domu de is Ainas, which houses about 600 artifacts of material culture of the peasants of Gerrei ; continue with the Blacksmith, with instruments ferreri, the aforementioned dolmen that characterizes the center of the village, very impressive with the soft lights of the evening, to finish with the birthplace of the writer and statesman, Emilio Lussu, who so loved the his country.
Nearby you can visit the many caves, such as those of Su Pittiolu and Gospuru, the abandoned mines to appreciate an itinerary of industrial archeology.
The municipality of Armungia borders the park of the Seven Brothers, for a full immersion in the rich and luxuriant nature from the enchanting charm, a favorite of many lovers of mountain biking, trekking and walking.
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