martedì 4 marzo 2025

first traditional Sardinian

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  • Lasagne Bread Carasau
    Blanch the tomatoes and peel them and remove the seeds. Brown the meat, add the sauteed vegetables, blend with wine, add the tomatoes salt and cook the sauce. Prepare some 'vegetable broth, soak the bread carasau in broth....
  • Lasagne Carasau with Eggplant and Zucchine
    Wash and slice the aubergines and courgettes. Let them grill with a little 'oil, salt and set aside. In a saute pan of the peeled garlic clove and crushed. As soon begins .....
  • Fregula mussels and razor clams
    Take a large pot and put them in water razor clams and salt for at least a night. abound with salt, mettetene 2 or 3 handfuls full. clean mussels .....
  • Fettuccine Clams and Bottarga
    Put the clams to drain for about an hour in salted water. To cook security clams in a pan, and when will all be open, strain the sauce ....
  • Fettucine with Wild Boar Ragu
    Cut the wild boar meat into small pieces and let it Marinate a few hours in red wine with onions, carrots cut into pieces, celery and bay leaf. Then .....
  • Favata
    In an almost full saucepan of salted water, put 500 g beans (after leaving it to soak for one night). join a sliced onion, 50 g of lard, 300 g of pork rind
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