lunedì 3 marzo 2025

From Olbia Costa Smeralda

jet-set destination of an elite tourism

From Olbia Costa Smeralda
The route that leads to the Costa Smeralda, starts from Olbia and heads north along the SS 125, which with many branches, towards the sea, leads to the most important coastal.
The first fork is for Golfo Aranci, near the promontory of Capo Figari which, in addition to the beauty of the Gulf, shares with Olbia its importance as a seaport. Directly related to the Costa Smeralda for its prestige, is Porto Rotondo, on the peninsula of Rudalza, accessible by road Olbia - Golfo Aranci (left fork), or by turning on the right from the SS 125; a place that is the heart of the international jet-set, a village designed by famous architects to accommodate an elite tourism.

A stop not to be missed, along the coast of the Gulf of Cugnana, he is San Pantaleo, inland olbiese, picturesque village overlooked by the Monti di S. Pantaleo. At about 25 km. from Olbia, and 5 from the homonymous gulf, there is the town of Arzachena, on whose territory the famous resorts of Costa Smeralda and a country rich in archaeological sites nuragici.
The heart of the "emerald" and ghota international tourism, is Porto Cervo with the so-called "road of beaches" that leads to the south of where there are beaches of unparalleled beauty.
At about 4 km. west of Porto Cervo, touching the inlet of Poltu Cuatu (reported as Quatu, "hidden"), the village of Baja Sardinia, overlooking the Gulf of Arzachena with its beautiful beach overlooking the archipelago of La Maddalena.
On the western shore of the Gulf, lies Cannigione, originally a fishing village, now a popular destination for its beautiful beaches and clear sea.
Another stop along the Costa Smeralda is the charming little village of Abbiadori, beyond which you can discover the mountainous aspect of this beautiful area, turning to Monte Moro and climbing to the heights from which you open one of the most enchanting views of the Mediterranean.
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