lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Golfo Aranci

on the promontory of Capo Figaro

Golfo Aranci
Located at the base of the promontory of Capo Figari, 1961 Golfo Aranci is the second access of Gallura to the sea, and is a particularly popular tourist destination, thanks to a stretch of coastline that alternates between rocky outcrops of great charm with wide stretches of sand on which stretch white beaches lapped by clear blue sea.
Golfo Aranci is also a beautiful setting, as the extremity of the promontory, so far from the busy and noisy streets, but at the same time just a few km from Olbia, the Costa Smeralda and prestigious locations such as Porto Cervo and Porto Rotondo.

Once a place preferred by the bourgeoisie gallurese here that he spent the summer months, Golfo Aranci welcomes in its territory important historical sites, all of the sacred well of Milis.
Numerous beaches, some of which lie just in the town center, while others are easily accessible within minutes from Cala Sabina at Villa Margherita, from Cala Sassari Spiaggia Bianca, Cala Banana / Nodu Pianu Sos Aranzos to Terrata.
On the other side, towards Porto Rotondo, very beautiful are the beaches of Punta Marana and Marinella, closed north of the promontory of Monte Ladu. Within walking distance, as well as boat, the beautiful beach of Cala Sabina. Do not miss the climb to Cape Figari, opposite the islet of Figarolo (m. 139).
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