lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Palau, Santa Teresa Gallura e l'Arcipelago della Maddalena

wonderful journey in Gallura

Palau, Santa Teresa Gallura e l'Arcipelago della Maddalena
We are in the north-east of Sardinia, in the stretch of coast facing the immediate waters of the Bocche of Bonifacio, to Corsica, and on those of the Marine Park of La Maddalena, dotted with a myriad of beautiful islands and rocks that are reflected in a sea of ??the tropics.
From Olbia through S.S. 125 you arrive, along about 40 km., To Palau, an important port and tourist destination, with its beautiful marina, its Via Nazionale crowded summer overlooked by shops, bars and beautiful buildings, and interesting patterns of interest landscape offered by the coast and the surrounding area, such as the Hill of Baragge, behind the town, which offers a beautiful view of the coast and islands.
Palau has always been the natural link with the island of La Maddalena, through a line of ferry born in the nineteenth century.

La Maddalena is an island of unique beauty that reflects the unique identity of its inhabitants, proud of their history and their way of life, gathered around the center on the south coast. The rest of this undulating plateau is covered with Mediterranean vegetation, the granite rocks and coves all accessible by taking the scenic route around the island.
A narrow bridge connects La Maddalena to another island, Caprera, where the only paved road leading to the house museum of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the hero of two worlds.
For the rest dirt trails that lead to scenic spots and hidden coves. A nature reserve of the most intact of the Mediterranean, where it is easy to make some nice encounters with colonies of wild boars.
Now it's time to get in the boat for a trip between the main smaller islands of Santo Stefano, the one closest to the coast of Sardinia, Spread west of La Maddalena, Budelli the best known for its beach Rosa, Razzoli and Santa Maria to the north.

Back on the mainland, to Palau on the SS 133, you come to another of the most famous of Sardinia, Santa Teresa di Gallura, located on a promontory projecting the Bocche of Bonifacio.
From fishing village, founded in 1800, it is today a well known tourist center thanks to its beautiful beaches, all of Rena Bianca, recognized European Blue Flag, which extends from the last houses of the village, dominated by the majestic Tower Longonsardo.
Pretty marina overlooked by good restaurants and nice shops, while just beyond the main port from where ferries depart for Bonifacio in Corsica to be in just over an hour, and La Maddalena.
Along the coast are situated also some granite quarries of Roman and medieval and an endless expanse of beautiful beaches.
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