lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Caprera Island

connected to the Island of La Maddalena

Caprera Island
With an area of ??about 16 sq km. and a stretch of coast about 34, is the most mountainous island of the archipelago with its highest point in Monte Teialone (212 m.). Since 1981 Nature Reserve, home to the White House, permanent home since 1856 and now the Museum of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
From the bifurcation leading to the Garibaldi Compendium, the road to the right leads to the Gulf of Stagnali and below the inlet of Porto Palma. Between Porto Palma and Punta Coda di Sardegna, it is the famous sailing center Caprera.

Continuing east, the height of
Cala Portese, along the sides of a narrow isthmus, there is the so-called beach of the two seas and a little further on, Cala Andreani and Shipwreck Beach. Going up the eastern side meet several other beautiful bays, including Cala Brigantina and Cala Coticcio.
Just over a mile east of
Punta Coticcio, a series of rocks indicate the point of an extended access to the sea, called the Monks, an underwater environment of the most beautiful archipelago and where you can meet the dolphins.
On the opposite side
Cala Napoletana, Cala Napoletana, Cala Garibaldi and Cala Scaviccio.

Also interesting are the routes to the abandoned forts, such as Fort Monte Arbuticci, north of the island, the batteries of the Cervo, Candeo, the Forts of Poggiu Rasu, above Cala Brigantina, Poggio Berry and the Forts of Punta Rossa.

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