lunedì 3 marzo 2025

National Park Archipelago of Maddalena

with an environmental education center

National Park Archipelago of Maddalena
Established by Presidential Decree of 17.05.1996, the Park includes all the territory of the municipality of La Maddalena, with all the islands and the surrounding sea.
Structures and initiatives of the area are located in the center of La Maddalena and Caprera Stagnali locations where the construction of an environmental education center was begun.
Among the promotional activities, there is the national " Living the Sea " which each year involves hundreds of Italian and foreign students in a competition for the creation of movies on the marine environment.
There are seven major islands protected area, including more than 45 islets and reefs.
The territory covers all land area along the north east coast of Sardinia to the south of the small Mortorio group Soffi and Le Camere.
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