martedì 4 marzo 2025


Common Costa Smeralda

Located 25 km. from Olbia and 5 from the gulf that bears its name, Arzachena occupies the heart of Gallura, with a coastline that stretches for about 80 km. from the border of the town of Olbia to Palau.
Independent municipality since 1922, since the early 60s knows deep changes in the economy, replacing the ancient agro-pastoral, with intense activity based on the construction industry and tourism, due to the creation of the Consorzio Costa Smeralda in 1962.

Currently the City of Arzachena includes highly tourist town as the Costa Smeralda belongs entirely to its own territory, and Porto Cervo, Baja Sardinia and Cannigione, with other small town of Liscia di Vacca, Poltu Quatu, Abbiadori.
The village center is gathered around the main square and Via Umberto that ends with a staircase leading to the church of S. Maria Maggiore, or snow; from a hilltop, however, dominates the village is the church of St. Lucia. To the east of the old town you can reach the area of ??Mount Incappiddatu, where the famous granite stone that, because of its shape, the fungus.
Leaving the village, towards Palau, a modern building houses the Museum of Earth Sciences.

Another site of particular interest is where the Gulf of Arzachena, insinuating itself into the land and joining with the Riu St. Giovanni, creates a pool of great natural beauty, the Bay of Saline, reached by taking the road to Baja Sardinia and turning left after about 3,5 km .; an area ideal for birdwatchers, closed towards the sea by a beautiful stretch.
Yet another excursion is one that leads to Monte mazzolu, reached along the main road towards Palau, turning to Bassacutena where, after about 5 km., You reach a plateau and from there to the top in about half an hour.

Very interesting the territory of Arzachena also the historical aspect, as are numerous and particularly valuable sites that come up here, from the nuraghe Albucciu Malchittu to the temple, the palace Nuragica the tomb of the giants of Coddhu 'Ecchju; then again the dolmen The Prisciona, the tomb of the giants of Li Lolghi Circles and the necropolis of Li Muri.
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