martedì 4 marzo 2025


with beautiful beaches washed by the sea of the Costa Smeralda

About 10 km. from Arzachena, on the western side of the Gulf, this small town attracts for its air of ancient fishing village.
Modest cluster of houses until 1800, was the port of call for the boats directed to other ports, and the island of La Maddalena.
Today Cannigione has a tourist harbor, a nice walk along the promenade and numerous recreational facilities that have increased in recent decades, a significant influx of tourists.

The center is crossed by two main roads: the promenade Andrea Doria and Via Nazionale, along which is a series of typical craft shops, bazaar, meeting places, restaurants, services ...
A short walk from the center, a beautiful sandy beach sheltered from the wind, which is mirrored in the crystal clear sea; continuing along the narrow coast road, in the direction of Palau, we arrive at the tourist village of La Conia  from a little beach that stretches to the ridge of the hill situated behind him.

More than meets the beach Tanca Manna, about 8 km., Followed by beach Mannena also known as Burnt Boat, incomparable natural pool, Isuledda, with a well-equipped and spacious camping equipped with all services, and Ulticeddu Iaciola ride by short trails to the right of the road, up to the Gulf of Saline, under the hills of Capo d'Orso, on the border with the town of Palau.
The southern part of the bay is occupied by stagni dei Saloni a vast wetland inhabited by hundreds of water birds such as chicken Sultan, the heron and egret, an area that attracts many birdwatchers.
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