lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Diving in the Marine Protected Tavolara Capo Coda Cavallo

with about ten diving spots

Diving in the Marine Protected Tavolara Capo Coda Cavallo
In Area Marina between Tavolara, Molara and Molarotto, the diver can find a unique environment in the Mediterranean; in particular between Tavolara and Molara, the coral universe presents, over sponges and sea fans, black coral.
More than a dozen of the dive sites including the descent of dry of the Pope, about 300 m from Punta del Papa, which is characterized by a rocky spire that rises up to 15 m from a depth of about 40 m

The classic wall dive of Tegghia Smooth, south of Tavolara, where the cliffs slope down more than 20 m and the bottom is populated by red stars, yellow sea fans, sponges and red algae, and where you can meet big bream, snapper and lobsters, further west.

North of Punta Talpa, between 15 and 30 m several spiers rising from the bottom, with the possibility of spotting grouper and snapper.
Also interesting is the dry area of ??north Molarotto, antechamber of the open sea, where in September traveling schools of amberjack, snapper, moray eels, groupers and croakers.

Not to be missed, between Tavolara and Molara, the natural pools of Li Pischini, with white sand.
Among Molara and Molarotto there are another dozen dive sites, including the descent of Punta Molara to stop, where could happen to make an exciting encounter with a dolphin!
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