venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Gallura to the sea

boat in the sea of Gallura

Gallura to the sea
Aboard a small boat or a dinghy you can reach the most exclusive beaches and coves of Gallura, along sea lanes that open to scenarios of extraordinary beauty.
Are many and all along the coastal stretch of Gallura the landing that deserve to be seen, for the colors and trasperenze a sea inimitable, for glimpses of nature that is the setting for breathtaking scenery, where one remains captured by so much beauty, visions that are a daydream.
Navigate between the islands of Mortorio and Mortoriotto and then see the magic of Ira beach, with white sand sandwiched between two strips of land, the magnificence of the coast of Punta Volpe-Punta Lada, the beach of stones, the beach of seaweed, while more north, on the western shore of the Gulf of Cugnana, admire Cala Razza di Giunco and Cala Petra Ruia, dominated by the color green-blue sea and the deep green of the vegetation.

In the face of this part of the coast to explore the islands of Soffi and The Camere, at the southern end of the National Park of La Maddalena, small paradises inhabited by only gull that came here to colonize and flying these rocky headlands that They stand imperious waters colored patches of vegetation, interspersed with tiny coves of white sand.

Along the panoramic of the Costa Smeralda, meet the beaches of Portisco, Rena White, Rarra of Giuncu, Portu li Cogghi and Principe, to Cala di Volpe, Celvia, Liscia Ruja and Long Beach, closed to the north of the headland of Monte Ladu , and then again the Gulf of Marinella Punta Marana, known for its particular charm due to rocks that are reflected in the clear waters of the sea.
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