martedì 4 marzo 2025

Routes in history

discovering nuraghe, giants' tombs and ...

Routes in history
The inland of Arzachena is rich in prehistoric monuments, which, for some distinctive features of a specific culture of the Neolithic period, are the so-called culture of the Circles of Arzachena or Megalithic (about 3,000 BC).
The first opportunity to visit is located in a few kilometers. from Arzachena, proceeding along Highway 125 to Olbia and turning left at a sign at the fork to Cannigione, leading to Nuraghe Albucciu.
Adjacent to the road, on a slight elevation that connects it to view with the other nuraghi in the area, the construction plan is semirettangolare with rounded corners, leaning against a granite rock that forms most of the walls.
The monument, dating from between 1300 and 900 BC, is attributed both to the type corridor that tholos.

At the same height, but on the opposite side of the highway, a walk of about 20 minutes to a side road leads, after passing three gates, the Temple Malchittu, dating from around 1200 BC. It consists of an entrance hall and a room of worship between buildings nuragiche, unique in Sardinia.
A bit 'moved is a dolmen semicrollato and below a large circular hut located on a terraced plaza.
Still it can be visited over a massive fortification defined Nuraghic Palace, which can be better achieved accompanied by experts given the nature of the terrain and the distance.
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