domenica 26 gennaio 2025

Santa Teresa Gallura

71 km. of coast between rocks and beaches to dream

Santa Teresa Gallura
With 71 km. of relaxing on the extreme north coast of Sardinia, Santa Teresa Gallura overlooking the Strait of Bonifacio.
Among the most popular tourist resorts and visit the island, it boasts an origin nuragica (ca. 4000 BC) revealed the presence of the village of Lu Brandali, at the Bay of Santa Reparata, where there are ruins of towers built with blocks of stone giants coming up to the top of the mountain overlooking the bay and the remains of a Tomb of the Giants.

During the period of Roman rule, the area stood the two towns of Longonis and Tibula, the first located in the inlet particularly elongated left of the port, and the second to the last stop of the consular road to Olbia, identifiable with the area Capo Testa where they were found substantial remains of ancient granite quarries used by the Romans to adorn the buildings of the capital, including the columns of the Pantheon and later by Pisani for the construction of the Cathedral of Pisa.
In the Middle Ages, the Pisani founded the village of Longonsardo, strategic outpost in control of Corsica, ruled by Genova.
Later were built the castle of Catalonia and Aragon Longonsardo and the sixteenth-century tower, one of the largest built in old Spanish along the Sardinian coast, which offers a breathtaking view until you see, on clear days, the coast of Corsica.
The birth of Santa Teresa Gallura dates back to 1808 by order of King Vittorio Emanuele I, at the request of the military commander Piedmontese Francesco Maria Magnon into account the presence of the port and the fortress tower. It was the King himself to draw the plan of the town which is similar to that of the capital of the Kingdom Torino, tributandogli the name in honor of his wife Maria Teresa of Austria.

Since the sixties the center begins to bring out its tourism by appreciating its beauty and territorial nature.
A visit to the historic center develops around Piazza San Vittorio and piazza Vittorio Emanuele where you pour the many streets arranged in a checkerboard.
The parish church of St. Vittorio, which stands in the square S. Vittorio, is dated 1838 and is of simple architecture; just beyond Piazza Vittorio Emanuele is the main reference of the country, around which overlook meeting places and little shops that are popular shopping and leisure for the many tourists in the summer months affollanno this beautiful location.
Taking a walk on Via XX Settembre you will soon reach the majestic Longonsardo Tower, built in the early sixteenth century. by the Spaniards in a project comprising 79 other towers across the island to monitor the access to the sea.
Tower dominates one of the most beautiful views of Gallura, under the Rena Bianca beach, Blue Flag of Europe, facing Corsica that you can almost touch reaching out.
Leaving the village, along the main street, you go left into Via Porto and is reached before the main port of connection with Corsica and La Maddalena, then the beautiful marina, stretched along a scenic fjord.
Here too many good restaurants, shops and places to spend time in a relaxing environment that has the taste of real vacation!
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