martedì 4 marzo 2025

The road of the Beaches

sea and sand in Costa Smeralda

The road of the Beaches
Passing the junction for Cala di Volpe, towards Arzachena, it takes the scenic route that leads to the most beautiful beaches of the Costa Smeralda.
After a short deviation leads to the Pevero beach, formed by sand dunes.
Continuing the provincial, turning left you arrive at Abbiadori, where a series of switchbacks leading to the sea.
At the end of a descent you take to the beach of Liscia Ruja, the largest of the Costa Smeralda overlooking Cala di Volpe and separated by a promontory on the other beach of Petra Ruja.

Returning to the main road, we take the turnoff to Romazzino and just after an intersection can reach the Piccolo Romazzino.
Among the most beautiful, it is the beach of Poltu Cogghj of them, also known as the Principe, as he was the one preferred by Prince Karim Aga Khan, reached in a few minutes.
Following the road of Romazzino, turning left, you come to the promontory of Capriccioli, on whose slopes is located, besides the homonymous beach, more beautiful beaches.
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