lunedì 3 marzo 2025

La Maddalena

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  • on the island of Spargi
    It is located on the east coast of the island of Spargi and is reached only by sea.
  • Maddalena archipelago
    on the eastern slope of a sequence of small islands that are safe haven for many species of seabirds ...
  • Maddalena archipelago
    its shores are rocky and is dominated by the lighthouse, which offers an excellent view over the whole Archipelago ...
  • Maddalena archipelago
    known for the famous Spiaggia Rosa, whose color is due to the microorganism deposit Miniacina miniacea ...
  • Maddalena archipelago
    many coves including Cala Corsara and along the east coast is a succession of coves ...
  • archipelago of La Maddalena
    the closest to the coast of Sardinia, with a part of the American military base, it land in Cala Sailing Marina
  • with an environmental education center
    The Park includes the entire territory of the municipality of La Maddalena, all the islands of the sea and the surrounding ...
  • connected to the Island of La Maddalena
    since 1981 is Nature Reserve and is home to the White House , permanent home of Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1856, today Museum ...
  • only town in the archipelago
    with the island of Maddalena, Caprera, Spargi, S. Stefano, Budelli, Santa Maria and Razzoli it is called the seven sisters ...
  • Island Mortorio
    Located on the island of Mortorio, you can be reached only by sea ...
  • Caprera Island
    Starting from the port of La Maddalena, turn right, take the scenic route towards Moneta ...
  • Caprera Island
    It is located in the southern part of the island of Caprera. Starting from the port of La Maddalena turn right towards Moneta ...
  • on 'island of Caprera
    Starting from the port of La Maddalena, turn right, take the scenic route towards Moneta, then to Caprera ...
  • Santo Stefano Island, in the Archipelago of La Maddalena
    Located on the island of Santo Stefano, on the west coast, it can be reached only by sea...
  • Caprera Island, in the Archipelago of La Maddalena
    It is located on the Island of Caprera, the Archipelago of Maddalena, on the east coast, reachable only by boat.
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