martedì 4 marzo 2025

Marine Protected Area of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo

the municipalities of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro

Marine Protected Area of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo
The Marine Protected Area of ??Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo affects the north east coast of Sardinia, from Capo Ceraso, in the north, to Punta Isuledda, to the south, including the Tavolara and Molara islands, numerous smaller islets and rocks, falling in municipalities of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro.

Established in 1997, the protected area covers approximately 80 km of coastline from diverse terrestrial ecosystem like the marine one, alternating different plant and animal species. On sandy bottoms and up to 30-35 m., The oceanic Posidonia inevitably plays a primary role in the underwater world, evidenced by the presence, among others, of polychrome sponges, astroidi, lobsters, cicadas, sea bream, turbot, sole and grouper ; at greater depths are precoralligeni and coralligenous populations.

In greater depths, up to a limit of 40 m, sea fans live spectacular.
The coastal landscape, however, is dominated by the cliffs as high as 100 m, which house mostly raptors such as Bonelli's eagle, peregrine falcon, the hawk of the queen, the storm petrel, shag and the rare gull.

(Info: Harbour of Olbia Tel. 26 666 0789)
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