martedì 4 marzo 2025


with the beautiful town of Santa Margherita

The road is smooth, one that leads to Pula and its treasures.
History and traditions are reflected in the blue-green sea, to enchant the visitor and accompany him back in time.
The long white beaches that stretch towards Santa Margherita slope inside, giving way to the deep green of pine forests.

The fabric of the city of Pula is an example of the traditional type of housing in the central courtyard of ancient origin.
The beautiful neoclassical villa of Santa Maria, the interesting Archaeological Museum Giovanni Patrons, with a good collection of ancient artifacts.
Near Pula, on the hill overlooking the town of Sarroch, is worth visiting the dolmen Sa Domu and S'Orzu.
Are particularly valuable furnishings and objects of art of Villa d'Orri, prestigious building with a beautiful park.
Do not miss a visit to the ancient city of Nora, as well as the Natural Oasis WWF, a few kilometers away, in the territory of Capoterra.
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