marted́ 4 marzo 2025

Quartu Sant’Elena

a little gem in 2 steps from Cagliari

Quartu Sant’Elena
Connected from the beautiful beach Poetto, Quartu Sant'Elena is an integral part of the city of Cagliari, thus enjoying the privileges of the capital and, at the same time, the peculiarities of the place of the province.
Quartu on its territory expressions of great environmental value, such as the Park of Molentargius, in addition to emergencies historical and religious interest.
Numerous medieval churches, all of Santa Maria di Cepola of the twelfth century, and the parish of Sant' Elena.
To visit is certainly Sa Dom'e Farra, an initiative of a farm laborer, Gianni Musiu, which has set up a typical campidanese with all objects of daily use and work.
Nearby Quartu Tower Su Forti, in loc.Margine Rosso and Torre Cala Regina which stands on a promontory overlooking the bay of the same name.
For the tourist Quartu Sant'Elena offers accommodation solutions of the highest quality, both for lovers of outdoor tourism as well as hotels or bed and breakfast.
Nearby are many opportunities for interesting itineraries to discover the beauty of the hinterland, the Costa Rei or visiting the amazing city of Cagliari.
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