martedì 4 marzo 2025

The Regional Natural Park Molentargius-Saline

in the territory of Cagliari and Quartu Sant'Elena

The Regional Natural Park Molentargius-Saline
The Regional Natural Park Molentargius-Saline is a wetland of international value of the most important in Europe.
It is a rare example of ecosystem and habitat for many animal species, including the pink flamingo that nest here since 1993.
The park includes the municipalities of Cagliari and of  Quartu Sant' Elena  and it can be admired in its extension from the Sella del Diavolo, a hike that starts from Marina Piccola, in the Sardinian capital.
The park offers the visitor through various modes of use, along the trekking routes specifically designed to be covered on foot or by bicycle.
Along the way you will inevitably encounter groups of pink flamingos that live year-round system of ponds that border the road, for a scenario to be immortalized on our digital camera or smartphone that will always be with us!
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