martedì 4 marzo 2025

San Sperate

the "museum city" built by Pinuccio Sciola

San Sperate
A few kilometers from Cagliari, this center is the 1968 Country Museum, with its streets and its views and embellished by the many colorful murals, sculptures and monuments of various artists.
The creator of the project is one of the most famous creators of art of Sardinia, which Pinuccio Sciola, a native of San Sperate, wanted to characterize his country with these works in the open air, so as to embellish walls, roads and squares, placing it, thus, interesting stop along the tour of the province of Cagliari.
The traveler / tourist will be amazed by the variety and ingenuity of the many creative artists who Sciola chose to give shape to this project.
In some cases you will really need to get closer to the doors of the house, the walls flanking bars and public places, the facades of buildings of this small village still rural-looking, to discover that the group of old men intent to chatter, as well as the child leaning against the railing of the balcony or the lady at the window are scenes taken from reality and immortalized, with colored chalk, from the hands of these skilled craftsmen painting.
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