martedì 4 marzo 2025

churches Campestri

chance to meet the people of Gallura

churches Campestri
Fundamental in the culture of the pens, and chance to meet the people of Gallura, the territory of Arzachena offers visits to some pretty country churches, usually surrounded by old trees of olive or oak that create shady spaces which remains comfortable.
About 10 km. from the town, along the road to S. Antonio di Gallura, in the municipality of Monti, is the Church of San Paolo the Hermit, built in 1911 which houses two parties: the last Sunday of August and the one dedicated to the saint The May one in honor of the Madonna del Buoncammino.

To the northwest of Arzachena, the road to Palau, you arrive in about 10 km. the Church of Sanctu Micali Sanna, probably of medieval origin, which houses two holidays on May 12 and the first Sunday in September.

Along the road to Olbia, it is the eighteenth-century Church of Alzachéna Sanctu Micali, where women are celebrated on March 8, while on March 16 the men, then another event the third and the last Sunday of September.
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