martedì 4 marzo 2025

Beaches in Santa Teresa Gallura

by Rena Bianca S. Reparata in Conca Verde and gradually ...

Beaches in Santa Teresa Gallura
The first is located in the village, dominated by Longonsardo Tower, and Rena Bianca, known for its fine sand and crystal clear waters, recognized among the most beautiful of Sardinia and awarded the Blue Flag of Europe.
In front, a few meters, the small Municca Island.
Along the road to Palau, about 4 km., Passing the village of La Ficaccia, some detours lead to the beach of Porto Quadro and La Marmorata (5 km. Approximately).
Always to Palau you can access several beaches, all characterized by wet sandy stretches from strasparenti waters, such as Cala Sambuco, dell'Erica Valley and Conca Verde.
On the side of the promontory of Capo Testa, a few minutes from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura, very beautiful the beaches of the Bay of Santa Reparata.
Continuing along the coast, towards Aglientu, other equally beautiful beaches, such as La Liccia, adjacent to the eponymous Camping Village La Liccia, then La Colba and Rena Majore.
For sunbathers and sea life Santa Teresa Gallura certainly does not betray the expectations!
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