lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Capo Testa

just minutes from the center of Santa Teresa Gallura

Capo Testa
From the center of Santa Teresa Gallura along a scenic road, following the signs to Capo Testa and Santa Reparata Bay, you arrive in 5 km. this promontory characterized by granite rocks spectacular forms.
Capo Testa is connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus whose sides welcome the beaches of Rena di Levante and Rena di Ponente-Bay of Santa Reparata.

Going through to the end of the road that goes into the promontory you reach the Lighthouse of Capo Testa, from where you can walk down to the sea and the beach of Cala Spinosa. Capo Testa is a gym for climbing and diving; an easy run (about -10) can be carried out by immersing a creek to the left of the lighthouse and walking away for about a hundred meters, where we find the wreck of a ship stranded on the rocks and sank in the 70s. .
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