lunedì 3 marzo 2025

From Olbia to Budoni

with the island of Tavolara, San Teodoro and then Budoni

From Olbia to Budoni
The panorama from the Gulf of Olbia is dominated by the silhouette of Tavolara, and just south of the island of Molara.
From Olbia, heading for the north-east coast, you will reach the resort of Porto San Paolo, which is part of the municipality of Loiri, set further inland about 15 km; a town full of tourist facilities equipped with a port from where connections to the island of Tavolara.

Further along the coast you reach the center of San Teodoro, in a small bay closed north of the promontory of Capo Coda Cavallo, a territory rich in beaches, easily reachable on foot, such as the large and beautiful beach of La Cinta.

Another important step is Budoni, a destination for international tourism, which is also surrounded by beautiful beaches and with an equally interesting hinterland where they keep all the elements of Gallura rural life.
From San Teodoro or Olbia through the freeway, you can indulge in an alternative to the sea, visiting the country of Padru, particularly renowned for its gastronomic culture and farm accommodation, here in fact the first companies were born that still they offer agropastoral hospitality of the pens.
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