martedì 4 marzo 2025


overlooking the Maddalena Archipelago

Officially, the village was born around the second half of the nineteenth century, with the first house (Lu Palazzeddhu) founded in 1875 by Gian Domenico Fresi, known Zecchino, in the square dedicated to him today. Its importance grew as a result of the early '900 as the main port for the island of La Maddalena and its location adjacent to the Costa Smeralda.

Become an independent town in 1959 and the seventies its economy as a fishing village and agro-pastoral it is gradually being supplemented by a tourist resource, with the creation of the first guest on the part of some entrepreneurs who saw the potential of this stretch of coast.
These include the Spanish count Raphael Neville, creator of the exclusive residential village of Porto Rafael, about a km. from Palau, around which grows elite tourism.
Today, Palau is a place frequented during the summer, thanks to its natural resources, its beaches and its services that allow tourists to take every comfort.
For the visit to the center just take Via Nazionale which is the main road which leads through the state 133 and leading directly to the marina and boarding ferries.

The heart consists of Piazza Fresi that, together with other homes of the surrounding streets, is one of the most picturesque corners of the old village.
Facing the harbor, there is a large car park and the Via Fonte Vecchia that Friday morning welcomes the weekly market and in July and August is lit by numerous stalls selling a colorful evening market of gifts, souvenirs, crafts and much more, located in also in Via Nazionale.

For those who want to enjoy sunbathing at not go far, the nearest beach is Palau Vecchia, to the left of the ferry pier, behind which opens a large pine forest; entrance of the village, before the level crossing, turn left, can be reached the beach of La Sciumara that opens in front of the harbor of Middle Schifo.
Continuing along the same road, we arrive at the charming village of Porto lighthouse overlooking the sea with a lovely beach nestled between the green.

It dates back to the years of the so-called Great Fortifications, the battery of Monte Altura, today well preserved and that rises steeply above the village.
To the 800 represented a vanguard of military defense, it is now a major tourist attraction, easily reached from the town of Palau. its walls you can enjoy a view that sweeps over the surrounding islands up to Corsica.
Open for free visits or tours, during the summer hosts concerts and cultural events.
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