marted́ 4 marzo 2025

Porto Pollo e l’Isola dei Gabbiani

calm sea on one side, the other moved

Porto Pollo e l’Isola dei Gabbiani

In the direction of Santa Teresa Gallura, about 4 km., Is found on the right for the residential village of Porto Pollo (Porto Puddu) and the Isle of Gabbiani, linked to the mainland by a 'sandy isthmus that opens in two crescent bays, a paradise for windsurfers, all year round, with each side trail by two beautiful and long beaches of fine sand.

Frequented from early spring until autumn, the Isle of Gabbiani has become the destination of races and championships at a competitive level of windsurfing stunt.
The place is beautiful and facing the Maddalena Archipelago, whose islands are quickly accessible.
Also just a few meters from the coast, clear waters are boasting of a stunning landscape full of glistening fish, shells and colors of an extraordinary sea.
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