lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Porto San Paolo

just minutes from Olbia

Porto San Paolo

Located in the center of the two extended Capo Ceraso headlands to the north, and Cape Coda Cavallo, to the south, is surrounded by a succession of white beaches and reefs.
Easy to reach from Olbia, within a few minutes' drive along a coastal road easier, it seems to have originated from a colony from the island of Ponza.
Used as a safe haven during the centuries of Pisan domination in Sardinia, he experienced a period of decay, then resumed vitality in sec. XIX with the advent of the town of Spalmatore di Dentro, on the beautiful island of Tavolara, which stands in front of Porto San Paolo, revealing preferred port for the landing on the island mother.
Porto San Paolo is since then a starting point for a visit to the island of Tavolara, as very close, which is about 20 minutes by boat.
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