martedì 4 marzo 2025

Tomb of Giants Li Mizzani

to Santa Teresa Gallura

Tomb of Giants Li Mizzani
In the direction of Santa Teresa Gallura, at the restaurant Old Gallura, turn left and continue for about 1 km. up to a junction where you turn left again.
Continue for another 4 km. up to a clearing where a road on the right leading to the tomb reported, situated near Mount Canu. Probably dating from the Middle Bronze Age (1600-1300 BC), it is among the few in the island that has retained the stele in its original upright position, 2.8 meters high.
The Tomb of Giants Li Mizzani has an external width of 2.45 m. about with a rectangular burial chamber of 6.10 m. long by 1 m. in width.
This tomb, like others in Gallura, is often a destination for people who, with medical conditions, seek benefit from magnetic fields emitted from these sites.
About 300 meters from the grave, to the left of a country house, is less than the perimeter wall and the entrance of the dolmen Luchia; near you you can also see the remains of a nuragic village.
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