lunedì 3 marzo 2025

spiagge dell'Arcipelago della Maddalena

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  • Beach of Cavaliere
    on the island of Budelli, Maddalena Islands
    It is located in the north-east coast of the island of Budelli and can be reached only by sea ...
  • Spiaggia Rosa
    on the island of Budelli, Maddalena Islands
    Located on the southeastern coast of the island of Budelli; Transit allowed only 300 m from the shore ...
  • Beach of Cala Lunga di Spargi
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located on the north coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ...
  • Beach of Cala Ferrigno
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located in the east coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ....
  • Beach of Cala Conneri
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located in the east coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ....
  • Beach Granara
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located in the east coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ....
  • Beach Cala Soraja
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located on the south coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ...
  • Beach of Cala Corsara
    Island of Spargi, Maddalena Islands
    It is located on the south coast of the island of Spargi and can be reached only by sea ...
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