domenica 22 dicembre 2024
  • » Sardinian beaches routes

Beaches in Sardinia

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  • the coast of Oristano
    a coastline with beautiful beaches
    from the white beach of Porto Alabe in Marina Tresnuraghes, at Is Arenas, S'Archittu, S. Giovanni di Sinis, Torregrande and other ...
  • Beach Tanca Manna
    Cannigione, at the eponymous village
    From Olbia to Arzachena, turn right and continue for Cannigione; across the country, going beyond 5 km ...
  • The province of Cagliari
    400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland
    covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., from Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a story ...
  • Dog beaches in Gallura
    a bathroom with the four-legged friend
    The beaches are limited and in summer you can not find a place, so it is advisable to inquire through the website of the beach ...
  • Camping San Teodoro La Cinta ***
    along one of the widest beaches in Sardinia
    Camping San Teodoro La Cinta is located in the middle of a large green area that leads to the large white sand beach of La Cinta, among the most beautiful of Sardinia...
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