martedì 4 marzo 2025

Massif of Mount Nieddu

increase to nearly 970 mt. with Punta Maggiore

Massif of Mount Nieddu
Area protected by regional law, extends over the municipalities of San Teodoro and Padru.
The base is characterized by granitic rocks transformed by weathering in the natural works.
The trails are practiced for hiking and walking, with varying degrees of difficulty.
Other excursions can be covered by mountain bike, with a minimum of physical preparation.
Monte Nieddu is also gymnasium for rock climbing enthusiasts, always practicing in complete safety and with due care and preparation.
Still others, that require experience and knowledge of the place, they ride on board Jeeps and SUVs, surpassing traits sometimes extremes to reach up to 970 meters.
 Punta Maggiore, the highest peak of the massif , which dominates a large stretch of Gallura coast, in a truly breathtaking view.
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