martedì 4 marzo 2025

Sweets traditional Sardinian

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  • Is zippuasa
    Boil the potatoes, peel and mash twice masher . Apart mix the yolks with the sugar and the liqueur combining gradually lard . Work the mashed potatoes with the flour ...
  • Sapa cake
    Working in a large bowl with the eggs sugar, and gradually add the flour and sapa, working the mixture so that no lumps are formed. Meanwhile soften the raisins in milk. One time ...
  • Cheesecake and saffron
    Processed eggs , sugar and lemon and saffron, add the previously crushed ricotta, finally the flour, baking powder and milk q.b ( the advice is to add milk gradually until...
  • The almond nougat
    Peeled almonds following this method : put them in the water and bring it to the boil . Eliminate hours the skin of almonds that will go away with ease . Now toast them in a 180 ° oven for about 15 minutes ...
  • On pistiddu jam
    Sift flour with baking powder directly on a work surface, make a fountain in the center and put the chopped lard and sugar. Mix well by adding water to obtain a compound ...
  • Sebada
    Cook over low heat in a quarter liter of water the cheese a few days acid, a semolina spoon and zest of a lemon. When the water is absorbed and the cheese becomes thick ...
  • Macaroons with hazelnuts
    Peeled and chopped hazelnuts with flour and almonds. Quickly stir the egg whites in a bowl andsugar, add the hazelnuts and almonds. Cover the container with plastic wrap...
  • amaretti
    Bring the water to a boil and dip the bitter almonds and sweet, drain and spellatele. Arrange on a baking sheet to make them drying at 150 °. The almonds are dry without taking…
  • Casadinas
    Mix the flour with the lard and a pinch of salt with a little helping of warm water. Knead until dough is smooth, then cover with a cloth and let rest ...
  • Bucconettos
    Toast the hazelnuts in the oven heat to 180 degrees and cold grind. Put sugar in a saucepan and add 50 g of water, melt, add the two grated oranges and honey. Continue to cook over low heat…
  • Bianchini
    Peeled almonds, then cut into strips , place them in the oven not very hot and let it dry; They should not be too dry or color him a lot. Grease the plates with lard or oil and sprinkle ...
  • Aranzada
    After removing the white part underneath the orange peel, cut into strips the thickness of two millimeters and the length of 5-6 cm. put them soak for 5 days, taking care to change the water every day ...
  • Candied orange
    Wash the oranges, dry them and cut the peel longitudinally removing the top cap and bottom. The rind should be cut into strips1 cm approx . Fill a large ...
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