lunedì 3 marzo 2025


picturesque ancient fishing village

The far north of the region of Nurra, opposite the island of Asinara, extends Stintino, a picturesque fishing village, among the most famous tourist destinations of the island.
Founded in 1885, to accommodate the residents evicted from Asinara to make a military colony, the country is known for the unique color of the crystal clear waters that caress the two main beaches of fine white sand, the beach and La Pelosa "The Saline beach, overlooking the bay of Fornelli and both dominated by the towers of the same name in Spain.
To the south of the peninsula of Stintino, is the Pond Casaraccio, ideal place for fans of birdlife.
The island dell, which until 1997 housed a prison, penitentiary, is part of the municipality of Porto Torres, although more easily accessible from Stintino from which it is separated by a narrow shallow.
It is crossed from one extreme to another, from the tip of Scorno (or Caprara), at the tip of the burners, through a single road 23 km long. It features, among the peculiarities, a colony of albino donkeys; its extraordinary natural heritage is preserved by a National Park.
Asinara is accessible only by guided tours, organized by the Consortium that has the management, and boasts beautiful beaches including Cala d'Arena, northeast, and Cala S. Andrea, southeast.

For access to the park tel. +39 079.503388 Fax +39 079.501415
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