lunedì 3 marzo 2025


holiday between sea and inland

Gracious and hospitable seaside resort, Budoni offers first class tourist offer, spread over a stretch of coastline 18 km long.
In close contact with the coast, a corollary of the hills, where history has left its traces, from the farthest Neolithic with the important domus de Janas (4000 BC) to Solità, in monuments dating back to the Nuraghic period of which remain some remains .

To further characterize the territory, small brackish ponds that are home to a rich aquatic fauna, with small colonies of pink flamingos. A thick pine forest acts as a demarcation between the green hills and the sea that shattered on the cliffs.

The equipped port of Ottiolu, with more than 400 berths, is an added value to a prestigious tourism, and can mean the starting point to the discovery of isolated coves and beautiful backdrops.
With a maximum duration of 2 to 3 hours, you can easily reach places of particular historical interest, such as the one where the nuraghe Su Entosu, or nuraghe Conca e Bentu and the Domus de Janas of Agliola, in territory of Solità.
Another route is the one concerning the visit to the church of San Giovanni Battista, in the town center, the church of San Lorenzo, in the homonymous village, and the church of St. Anne, in Berruiles.
You can not miss the route of the pens of San Pietro, along a route that sees succession old cottage.
Along this last stretch is worth a stop the little church of San Pietro del Bosco, with old foundations, apparently dating from the fourteenth century.

Among the events that enliven the village, remembers in the month of May, the Festival of San Pietro, at which a traditional lunch is offered; June is celebrated St. John the Baptist with the preparation of typical orillettas, fried and served with sweet honey; the last Sunday of August is celebrated the patron saint with three days of festivities and its procession; Throughout the summer it is still a big party, with the Ferragosto Budonese superscript.
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