lunedì 3 marzo 2025

San Teodoro

sea life and social life

San Teodoro

Spread over an area that covers much of the south-east coast of Gallura, San Teodoro is located at the homonymous increasingly populated lagoon rose fenicottteri.
The city center, the hub of local life, is transformed, in the summer evenings, in the circus of the night, with trendy clubs, pubs and ice cream parlors, music bars and discos, and the stands are always present which form, with the most varied shops open until late at night, a chance for fun and attractive shopping.

A large arc along 5 km., Made of fine white sand, is the beach of La Cinta, the busiest beach, not only because it is easily accessible on foot from the town center, but also for its clear waters.
Other beaches are heading towards Olbia; in Lu Fraili Punta Aldìa it follows, and you will soon come to a delightful small peninsula facing the Bay of San Teodoro.
Punta Aldìa (or Puntaldìa) is equipped with small harbor which is home to 380 berths, as well as a 9-hole golf course, recalling a selected elite tourism.

Further north, past Punta Aldìa, it is known Lu Impostu beach, with the nearby Cala Brandinchi, the latter more easily accessible from junction to Coda Cavallo.
Going further meet the order Suaraccia Cala and the beaches of Salina Bamba and Salinedda.
Returning to the main road to Olbia, exceeded Lu Fraili, you reach Monte Pitrosu; Here turn towards Hotel Lu Pitrali and then to a stretch of coastline among the most interesting in the area with Punta Molara, where there is the Garden of the Mediterranean. Walking down a path after just one km. south, which leads first to Cala Ginepro, then Cala Ghjlgolu.
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