lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Sardinia


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  • This ancient and typical grape finds its environment located to the northwest of the province of Sassari . It prefers calcareous clay soil, loose and well sunny where even today ...
  • Bovale Sardo The term " Bovale " identifies two vines , Bovale Sardinian and Bovale of Spain also said Bovale great , both arrived in Sardinia from the Iberian peninsula around 1300. Recent scientific findings supported …
  • White grape variety of uncertain origin, formerly very popular in Sardinia. a the 800 underwent a strong reduction in area as a result of the invasion phylloxera when, at the time ...
  • The production of this characteristic wine is almost entirely concentrated in the Sulcis region between the last mountain foothills of south- western Sardinia and the sea . It was probably the Phoenicians , the ancient founders Solci ....
  • Monica , is one of the oldest grape varieties Sardinian introduction, is present, even if with different percentages, around the island territory where it is cultivated on a total area of ??about 3000 hectares. The hypothesis ...
  • Cannonau is the red wine that perhaps more than any other immediately calls to mind the Sardinia, its traditions and its friendly hospitality. The cultivation ...
  • Whisk the egg whites stiff steadfast with half the sugar and the egg yolks with the other half. Meanwhile turn the oven at 170 ° C. Add the yolks to the mixture egg whites, stirring from top to bottom ....
  • Put aside and knead the egg yolks with the sugar and add the egg whites, oil, lemon juice and grated lemon, finally the flour and pinch of salt. When the dough...
  • Prepare the filling by mixing in a bowl the grated cheese , a whole , 3 egg yolks , lemon zest and the orange , saffron , sugar and 200 g flour . Work...
  • Put the raisins to soak for ten minutes in a bit ' of water, then dry it and flour it. Mix the flour with lard working with your fingertips, then add the egg and the yolk ...
  • We put in a bowl, cottage cheese, grated zest of' orange, the whole egg, sugar . We knead thoroughly with a fork and add the flour. L' dough should be enough ...
  • Knead the flour with lard and eggs, work well until a dough, cut into strips about 2 cm with a cutter and getting the typical form. Fry in hot oil ...
  • Mix the flour with the water and the yeast bread. Let stand for a few hours. Then continuing to knead you incorporate 500 grams of sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and lemon zest...
  • In a bowl, work the flour, lard, sugar, Vernaccia and brandy until you have a smooth paste. Let stand and stretch some sheets about ¼ cm high and cut ...
  • Prepared the work plan marble or wood sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut almonds fairly thin slices and toast them in the oven for a few minutes. Caramelized sugar ....
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