lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Sardinia


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  • Prepared the work plan marble or wood sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the almonds fairly thin slices and toast them in the oven for a few minutes. Caramelized sugar in a pot ...
  • Whisk the eggs with the sugar and strutto. Aggiungere the flour, baking powder and lemon peel. Let the dough rest in the fridge for an hour , covered with a cloth. Roll out the dough to a thickness …
  • In a bowl pour the sugar with the eggs , start to knead by hand, then add the flour and milk into which you have dissolved the yeast. Put the lard, the grated rind of lemon ...
  • Carefully wash the quinces and apples spazzolatele to remove the hair without damaging the skin . Cut into pieces, preferably of equal size and not too small. Put the pieces in a pot ...
  • Knead the dough by incorporating lard into the flour, adding a little warm water until the mixture is homogenous and compact compound. Prepare now for the filling by placing the water with lemon ...
  • Mix quickly and in the order : eggs , sugar , lemon, vanilla, melted margarine or lard, baking powder and flour.You get a pastry type dough a little softer.Roll out with a rolling pin. With stencils ...
  • Among the white grapes of Sardinia, Nuragus is still the most widely grown today despite a gradual trend to a reduction in area. The presence of this variety is mainly concentrated in the provinces of Cagliari and ...
  • Sardinia is undoubtedly the chosen land for this grape variety, together with Cannonau is the most typical expression of regional wine production.
  • History tells us that this vine landed in Spain with broken Punic Phoenician from the basin of the Aegean Sea ,considered the place of origin of the great Malvasia family in which surely Torbato ...
  • Grown in Sardinia since time immemorial Nasco is a vine of great value and rare finesse. Her cultivation is limited today and concentrated mainly incalcareous soils and sunny located inland from the coast ...
  • Boil the potatoes, peel and mash twice masher . Apart mix the yolks with the sugar and the liqueur combining gradually lard . Work the mashed potatoes with the flour ...
  • Working in a large bowl with the eggs sugar, and gradually add the flour and sapa, working the mixture so that no lumps are formed. Meanwhile soften the raisins in milk. One time ...
  • Processed eggs , sugar and lemon and saffron, add the previously crushed ricotta, finally the flour, baking powder and milk q.b ( the advice is to add milk gradually until...
  • Peeled almonds following this method : put them in the water and bring it to the boil . Eliminate hours the skin of almonds that will go away with ease . Now toast them in a 180 ° oven for about 15 minutes ...
  • Sift flour with baking powder directly on a work surface, make a fountain in the center and put the chopped lard and sugar. Mix well by adding water to obtain a compound ...
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