martedì 4 marzo 2025

Appetizers traditional Sardinian

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  • Bocconi al Vermentino
    Wash the curls under running water. Put them in plenty of cold salted water adding a clove of garlic. Bring to a boil .....
  • Fried eel
    Rub the eels with a handful of coarse salt to remove the mucous lining. Wash them under running water. Pat dry with a rough cloth....
  • Stuffed zucchini
    Wash zucchini, spuntarle and cut in half lengthwise (if you are big, even cut in half). Empty it, blanched part outside, put them to drain on a cloth. Apart from....
  • Mungettas (snails)
    Place the snails in a basket with bran or crumb of bread soaked and squeezed. Cover and leave to drain for 2 or 3 days, then put the snails in a bowl with salt, a little 'of water and vinegar .....
  • Black pudding Pork
    Put the blood in a large bowl, add the sugar, cinnamon, raisins, anise seeds, nails carnation, mix well and let .....
  • Fried Stuffed Ravioli
    Prepare the dough by working the flour with lard helping with a bit of warm water. work well the dough by mixing the ingredients and let stand. Meantime ....
  • Stuffed tomatoes
    Wash, clean and chop the parsley. Wash and dry the tomatoes, then cut them in half. Some incisions in the pulp of the tomatoes and transfer ....
  • Drowned octopus
    Clean the octopus turning your head with your hands. eliminated inside the bowels and remove the beak located in the central part the tentacles. Eliminate the eyes with a pair of scissors ...
  • Impanadanas
    Prepare the dough, pull it well, working it with lard. Prepare the filling with chopped meat, by having previously browned ....
  • Burrida
    Remove the heads and gutted fish by putting aside the livers to boil in a pan in part. In a pot to boil salted water ...
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