martedì 4 marzo 2025

Seconds of the Sardinian tradition

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  • Baked fish Capone
    Clean the capon. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices and place them in water cold. Cut into thin rounds even tomatoes that will be needed to cover the fish. In a roasting pan ...
  • Fish Bosana
    Flake and wash the fish , removing the entrails . In a pan, heat the oil over low heat . Start cooking with potatoes ( previously washed , peeled and cut into rounds purposes ) and the cherry tomatoes cut in half ...
  • Antunna squid with mushrooms and tomatoes
    Prepare the squid. Disconnect the tentacles from the body, eliminated the entrails and the pen from bag. Remove the skin from the bag and remove the beak of the head. Wash all under running water and cut ....
  • Lobster Vernaccia
    Immobilized lobsters tucking the tail along the belly and tying with kitchen twine. Fill a pot of water and pour the Vernaccia wine, onion whole and the bay leaves. When the water boils ......
  • Lobster Catalan
    Immerse the lobsters in boiling salted water, and cook for 10-15 minutes then letting them cool in the same water. Meanwhile, sliced thinly the onions and put them to soak in water and salt.....
  • Roasted eel
    Eviscerated eels, rub them with a cloth pretty rough that removes the slimy coating. insert them in a circular shape and skewer put between the one and the other a bay leaf. Salt them ......
  • Lamb stew with peas
    in a large pan sear the meat cut pieces with the oil and pour in the wine over high heat. Remove the meat from the pan and into the cooking liquid...
  • Lamb stew with artichokes
    In a large pan, heat a few spoonful of extra virgin olive oil and Fry the 'garlic over high heat. Having done remove it and add the scallion chunks of lamb. Salted ......
  • Pork ribs on the spit
    Insert the spit the ribs block. the spit It must be inserted in such a way that the food will be exposed to heat homogeneously; it should be noted that the part close to the bone requires a cooking time .....
  • Sa Cordula o sa Corda
    Carefully wash the intestine (by this stage will reside goodness of the dish) and soak it in water. twisted among them the own intestines forming a kind of Braid. Put the spit and leave ....
  • Goat with thistles
    Cut the goat meat in medium-sized pieces. In a large pan prepare a fried garlic, onion, parsley and chilli. Arrange the pieces of meat to the pan, add salt .....
  • Rolls to the Vermentino Perfume Meat
    With a meat mallet flatten the slices of meat. Mince fine with bacon, garlic and parsley and mix well. Spread the mixture on slices, roll them up ...
  • Squid stuffed baked
    Clean the squid by removing the skin and emptying inner bag. Cut off the heads and the tentacles and fry in a pan with a clove of garlic. Once chopped mirepoix all with a crescent and .....
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