martedì 21 gennaio 2025

The Natural Park of the Seven Brothers, kingdom of Sardinian deer

for lovers of trekking and mountain biking

The Natural Park of the Seven Brothers, kingdom of Sardinian deer

The Natural Park of the Sette Fratelli is one of the largest island and is developed in the hinterland of the province of Cagliari, affecting the towns of Castiadas, Villasimius and Muravera, going down to lap the coastline.
The natural environment, shaped by atmospheric events, creating scenes of wild beauty, vertiginous rock jumps, steep cliffs, canyons, pinnacles and towers of granite rock in shades of pink.
And 'the ideal environment for lovers of trekking and mountain biking.
The park is home to about 350 Sardinian deer that make up about 35% of the world population of these deer, but not only, here also live some pairs of golden eagles and other rare species of mammals.
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